The world's first and finest 24-hour PID party
Get ready, all you 24-hour party people!
PIDapalooza is going online in 2021! #PIDapalooza21 will be a 24-hour nonstop PID party happening around the world, beginning January 27 at 14:30 UTC (see the time in your location here).
We wish we could all be together in person for the fifth (!) festival of persistent identifiers, but we’re excited to bring the world’s largest—and longest—virtual PID party directly to your desk, your couch, your balcony—really, anywhere there’s a strong WiFi signal. PIDapalooza has never been a regular conference and this one will be no different!
How to participate in #PIDapalooza21
Read on for everything you need to know about how to join in the fun and make the most of your experience.
Get your ticket
Registration for #PIDapalooza21 is free but you must be registered in order to attend. Register now.
Check out the schedule
#PIDapalooza21 will feature sessions around the broad theme of PIDs and Open Research Infrastructure. See the schedule.
Double-check your clocks and calendars!
#PIDapalooza21 will be happening at a different time (and even day) depending on where in the world you are located. Sessions will be grouped to align with workday schedules across three different regions: Americas, Europe/Middle East/Africa, and Asia Pacific. All attendees are welcome to join whenever they want and stay for as long as they want. Make sure you double-check your clocks and calendars so you'll know when to show up!
Get online
#PIDapalooza21 sessions will take place on Crowdcast. You must be registered for PIDapalooza in order to receive links to join. We will also set up channels for social conversations and networking (more information to come).
Get #PIDapalooza21 merch
Even though we won't be meeting in person, you'll still be able to come home from the event with festival swag. Get your #PIDapalooza21 T-shirt, mug, limited-edition face mask, and other exciting items at the PIDapalooza store!
The program for PIDapalooza 2021 will be coordinated by members of the sponsoring organizations as well as external PID community representatives.
Program committee
Helena Cousijn
Tom Demaranville
John Chodacki
Alice Meadows
Ginny Hendricks
Natasha Simons
Estelle Cheng
Nobuko Miyairi